Bonita Phillips

About Bonita Phillips
As a beginner artist I am transitioning through different art styles trying understanding my work and how to express myself in a way that represents who I am. So far I have discovered that the most beautiful things have something hidden beneath it. I believe everyone and everything is beautiful but they have a flaw that is kept hidden and covered up with a façade. Some of the work I’ve done more recently has been mostly flowers, stain glass, and self-portraits. I like finding it's secret flaw and expressing the beauty of what has been hiding. However, being new to the art community, I am still exploring the differences in art that I find interesting for visual meditating and self-expression. This helps me understand what I capable of achieving as well understanding the technique of my work. By far, I have only worked on charcoal, ceramic, and printmaking (etching, lithography, relief, and monoprinting). I am still working my way through painting. Once I get further into my studies I will have a better understanding of the various techniques, as well as what I envision for the representation my work.